Monday, October 20, 2008


So, We went camping for your Uncle Sam's birthday and you went along. I thought I might be crazy because as of the day we left for our trip you had been sleeping exclusively in your swing so I was just gonna see how it went. It was so much fun and you slept in the tent like a champ. The second night it was so windy it was like we were in a white squall on the ocean but you didn't even shutter. I thought our tent was gonna get ripped from on top of us and thrown down the mountain. You went hiking, you didn't cry when daddy shot a rattlesnake and you didn't get upset when Sam and Suzie's dog peed on your diaper bag, carseat and tried several times to pee on you. He was trying to mark you as his. Guess that means he likes you but I wanted to kick him. I am the only one who gets to do that.

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