Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bubble Mania

Do you enjoy a luxurious and relaxing bubble bath? Not so much. I got you California Baby bubble bath with lavender and some other junk in it to help you settle down in the bath and get ready for sleepy time. It has had the opposite effect though. It's like you're on speed. You frantically attack the bubbles with a crazed look in your eyes. You splash yourself in the face and it scares you but you carry on. It's pretty funny actually. The first time it happened I thought it was because you were a little overtired but I realize now you have to kill all bubbles. When you run out you crane your neck to see the others waiting for annihilation.


Kerry said...

Yay! I have been hoping for an update from you.

Funny about the baths. My kids always seem to get crazy after baths too. I hear about people giving their kids baths to calm them down, but it never works for me or my kids.

ms said...

I laughed out loud reading about the bubbles making her act like she is on speed! she is so stinking cute!
